The hammock was developed in Pre-Columbian Latin America and continues to be produced widely throughout the region.  Though it is unknown who invented the hammock, many maintain that it was a device created out of tradition and need and used for sleeping or resting.
The English language derivation of hammock and various European equivalents is borrowed from the Spanish hamaca or hamac around 1700.  Hammocks were first introduced in Europe by Christopher Columbus when he brought many hammocks back to Spain from islands in the present day Bahamas.

Mayan hammocks are made on a loom and are hand woven by men, women, and children.  Hammocks are so symbolically and culturally important for the Yucatans that even the most humble of homes have hammock hooks in the walls; in rural El Salvador, a family home may have multiple hammocks strung across the main room, for use as seating, as beds, or as sleep-swings for infants.

Current popular hammock styles include Spreader-bar (Jumbo Hammocks, Rope Hammocks, Hammock Chairs and Mayan Hammocks.  Each style is distinctive and has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.  Many hammocks come in a variety of colors, patterns and sizes ranging from a one person to two or three person.  Common dimensions for Spreader-bar and Mayan hammocks fall in a range between 11' and 14' across and 6' to 11' wide.

The spreader-bar hammock is easily recognized by wooden or metal bars at the head and foot of the hammock, spreading its width and allowing for easy access.  This style is generally considered less stable and less comfortable for sleeping than other styles.  Some are made of cotton and some are made of weather resistant soft-spun polyester.  Whether you enjoy it by yourself or with the entire family, you are sure to relax and enjoy!

The Mayan hammock is similar in form, but differs by material and construction.  The mayan hammock is made from either cotton or nylon strings that are woven to form a supportive net.  Mayan hammocks are considered by some to have the potential to be more comfortable than others as they cradle your body.

We are introducing Caribbean Rope Hammocks to our site!
Our rope hammocks are constructed of heavy duty soft-spun polyester and are one of the most comfortable and extremely durable rope hammocks you'll find.
It is made of outdoor durable polyester cord and withstands high humidity, salt water air and UV rays.  Choose your rope hammock for beach houses and ocean side properties and be sure that they with withstand the weather.  We've got many colors to choose from.....coastal blue, green, light blue, mocha, orange, purple, red, tan, white and yellow so I'm sure you will find one that you like.

We also carry hammock pillows that will be the perfect compliment to your rope hammock.  Our hammock pillows also come in many coordinating colors for you to choose from.   They too are weather resistant and easy to clean.  Why not get a pillow to rest your head on as you relax in your new rope hammock!

Need the basic steps to doing basically nothing?

Relaxing should come relatively easy, but for many people, it does not.  You need to give your brain a chance to rest once in a while, and let go of life's obligations, problems and worries....that's all part of  Relaxing 101.

One of the world's most natural tools in helping you relax, is the hammock.  It allows you to reach that peaceful state of mind that we don't get all that often.  Here are some tips that can clear your head and help you feel a spiritual connection.  
  • Take a breath of fresh air:  The more we think about our breathing, the less we think about anything else.  Whether you are sitting comfortably in your hammock chair, or lying in your jumbo hammock, just relax your face, keep your eyes open but unfocused, and breathe in and out, slowly and evenly.  Deep breathing lowers stress and heart-rate in a very healthy way.
  • Let your muscles go:  It is amazing how much our bodies try to hold us up.  Even if you feel relaxed, your muscles are probably fighting gravity.  Try this to release your muscles;  Start with your toes, and clench them as tight as you can, then let them relax.  Do this with your other leg muscles, your forehead, and even your eyes.  In the end you'll actually feel much heavier when you sink in to your hammock, as if gravity has increased, because your relieved muscles have dropped their load.
  • Stick with it:  Most meditation techniques involve a mantra of some sort.  If you concentrate on something, make it something good!  and most of all, stick with it, don't give up when your mind starts to wander or clutter up.  That is normal and it happens to everyone.
Relaxation and peace will come, even if it takes a while, and soon, you'll be in hammock heaven!

The Hammock Chair has become one of the newest and best innovations in the world of hammocks. The hammock chair has only been around for approximately 25 years. The full size, or jumbo, hammock has been around for thousands of years. It is not known who invented the hammock chair, but it originates in the countryside of Nicaragua. Part of the special appeal of the hammock chair is that it is very easy to hang. For a full size hammock you need 2 suspension points, or 2 trees the perfect distance apart, or you have to cement 2 posts, etc. But for a hammock chair, all you need is one suspension point, whether it's a tree limb, the front or back porch, or even in your house. It is so versatile it can be put in small apartments, dorm rooms or even your basement recreation room. They usually run about half the price of a full size hammock.

Our Caribbea
n Jumbo Hammock Chair stays true to it's origin, but it has been upgraded to include a four foot wide tropical hard wood spreader bar for ample shoulder room. The spreader bar has been coated with multiple coats of marine varnish to protect it from the elements. There is also an extra long footrest so you can easily stretch out, and the body is woven of soft-spun polyester so it will not rot, mold or mildew. With all these special features, it is probably the most luxurious and comfortable hammock chair on the market today. Customer review have been consistently in the 4 to 5 star range since the introduction of this high quality product. Why not try one out today, you will not be disappointed, I can assure you.

Both Teak and Eucalyptus provide excellent wood for furniture. While there are a few similarities, they are vastly different in appearance, cost and availability.

Teak furniture is made of wood from the teak tree and is a dense, course-textured wood with a high oil content. It has a strong scent and is known for it's weather-resistance. It naturally deters termites.

Eucalyptus furniture is made of wood from the eucalyptus tree. Originally native to the East Coast of Australia, it is now grown in Southern US and South America. It is a reasonably priced alternative to Teak and 10-20% more dense. It earns high marks for strength, durability and offers excellent weathering characteristics. It is pinkish brown in color and turns to a reddish-brown with age and exposure to light. It's resistance to decay is relative to Teak wood.

The beautiful Eucalyptus Arc Stand offered by is constructed with stainless steel hardware for additional strength and durability. Our Eucalyptus Arc Stand is elegant in design, grand in appearance and naturally easy to maintain. Like Teak, Eucalyptus is a durable and beautiful tropical hardwood that is naturally resistant to insect infestation and damage caused by moisture. Unlike Teak, Eucalyptus trees are fast growing and more readily available; as a result, products made from Eucalyptus wood are less expensive.

We have many colors to choose from when you purchase our Hammock with Stand Sets. We also have matching pillows for added comfort. Now's the time to take a look and purchase one for your back yard oasis!

Now that we're past all that snow, and hopefully all the rain we've had here in the Northeast - it's definitely time to get your hammock out. If you don't have one as of yet, you don't know what you're missing. Take a look at our jumbo hammocks, or maybe a mayan hammock, or even a jumbo hammock chair to hang from your favorite tree in the backyard. Whatever you choose, is the place to be.

Aside from our hammocks we have many wonderful pillows to choose from in bright colors and we also carry hanging hardware for your hammock.

So, take a look, see what we've got, and get your high quality, beautiful hammock today at

If you are a true hammock lover, than I am sure you remembered to store it properly for the winter months. Now that spring is just around the corner, it’s about time to take that hammock out of hibernation and get it ready to sway in the wind this upcoming season.

In order to wash your hammock and get all the dust and cobwebs off, just lay it on the ground somewhere flat, like on your patio, driveway or deck. Essentially, any hard surface that you have swept clean of dirt and debris and that can get wet is a good surface for this project.

Use a bucket of water mixed with mild detergent, and a soft bristle brush. Gently scrub the hammock o
n one side, then flip it over and repeat on the other side. If you happen to notice any areas with mold or mildew, scrub extra hard and remove as much as possible. While you are scrubbing, inspect the ropes for any fraying or damage that could have been caused during the off season. Once all the debris and stains are gone, just rinse with regular water, you can use your garden hose for this if it is available.

Now that your hammock is clean, you will need to hang it out to dry as soon as possible. If your hammock has spreader bars, you can hang it as if you were going to use it, and place it in direct sunlight so it can dry thoroughly.

If you have a Mayan hammock, which does not have spreader bars, hang it over the deck railing or over a couple chairs in direct sunlight and allow it to dry before use. You want to make sure you get your hammock in direct
sunlight to dry as soon as possible.

Most hammocks will dry completely within 2 days. Taking proper care of your hammock will ensure that you get many years of use out of your hammock.
Enjoy & Relax! If you are looking for another color or style, stop by our store and check out what we have - we now carry pillows, the perfect compliment to your hammock!

As you are probably aware by now, there are many choices out there when it comes to purchasing a hammock. In fact, many people don’t realize how many different fibers, styles, etc. there are. When it comes to a rope hammock you have two fibers to choose from - one is polyester and the other is cotton. There are some other blends available, but cotton and polyester are the two most popular, and the most commonly found. It’s hard to make the proper choice because each has its own advantages, and disadvantages. Here are a few considerations that may help.

Where are you going to locate your Hammock, indoors or outdoors?

Cotton hammocks generally should not be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of
time. It can cause them to fade and lose their color. You can use them outdoors in a shady place though if you’d like. We carry a great cotton hammock chair that is extremely comfortable. On the other hand, polyester hammocks are resistant to the sun, but over time even the polyester ones may fade a little if they are placed in direct sun light. Polyester is known to be able to stand much more sun, and for much longer periods of time compared to cotton. So if you’re planning on keeping your hammock outside most of the time, polyester would be the way to go when it comes to durability. If you want to use your hammock indoors, cotton is the way to go.

Which is more resistant to rain?

Well, as I said above, if you’re hanging your hammock inside, this question doesn’t really matter. But if you are using it outside, cotton is prone to rot, mold and mildew caused from moisture or rain. There are products that say they can “waterproof” cotton, but I haven’t found that to be true. Polyester is resistant to moisture and rain damage so polyester will win when it comes to resistance to water.

Cost of polyester and cotton rope hammocks?

This really depends on where you purchase your hammock. There are high-end polyester hammocks that are more expensive than low quality cotton hammocks, but there are also high quality cotton hammocks that are more expensive than polyester hammocks! Of course, the choice is yours and this will depend on the brand of the rope hammock you choose.

Overall, the polyester hammock definitely wins when it comes to outdoor use and the cotton hammock is great for indoor use. Polyester is durable and will not rot, mold or mildew, where the cotton ones definitely will. Cotton is less durable, but much more comfortable. There remains one real question: do you want a rope hammock that you will not have to replace for many years (polyester), or a hammock that is comfortable, but that you will have to take special care of (cotton)? Check out the great colors we have to choose from when it comes to polyester hammocks, you will not be disappointed should you choose polyester!

I found this article today and wanted to share it with you. has now added pillows to our store, and below you'll see why!! They are an extremely important part of your hammock purchase. We have now added Black and Cream to our many colors for you to choose from. Stop by and take a look!

By: rob anderson

A hammock pillow is perhaps more important that the hammock itself. I have a very good reason for this statement. If you have the perfect hammock hanging up, in the perfect place, and then have to spend the whole time holding up your head, it would be very, very bad. I dare you to try to spend just one night in your bed without your pillow. Right, just as I thought.

The reality is that it is impossible to enjoy the full experience of a hammock without a pillow. So – having got that fact behind us, the really hard part is which type of pillow. I personally am a huge believer in doing anything that I do, properly. Why go to the trouble of doing something at all if you are not going to do it correctly. I declare myself a total hedonist. If I am going to sit I want to sit comfortably. Equally if I am going to lie down, hey! – do it properly. Now for the general choice types.

Lying Down.

If you are lying down fully, you are going to need a fuller type of pillow. This type will be more of the type that you would use when you sleep at night. The pillow must be a normal type. I do not need to go into detail here, remember your favorite pillow works best here.

Sitting up.

The advent of the hammock chair and its popularity is huge. There is however a very large variety of these hammock chairs available. While a large amount of these are adjustable, you will have to judge for yourself as to which angle the specific chair reclines at. I am going to presume that your chair here is more upright than not. The perfect pillow for this type of chair is that type of aircraft pillow that goes behind your neck. If you have a pillow that is too large it tends to push your head forward and ultimately give you pain. The shape of this pillow is often a hourglass shape.


Sorry I cannot think of a better description. What I really mean with this one is what a normal hammock should really be used for. In my opinion, the best hammock experience is in fact in a hammock chair. I feel that a full hammock is perfect for sleeping, but a little difficult for serious drinking. Having blurted out that fact, if you set up a full hammock properly it can become a fantastic nest. I love nesting. Pillows are very important here. I really mean plural. A large variety of pillows are needed to make this experience work. All sizes and all types of fabric. In fact a mixture of softness is equally important.

Finally, I would need way more space to go through the other 5 important items to make the experience perfect. Let me just leave you knowing they cover, location, direction, company, supplies and attitude. Without any of these very special extras you will find yourself stretching your neck looking for at least one of those items. Always be properly prepared, in my case I am never without at least two books. And your pillow. In fact I always instruct people that I have supplied with a decent hammock to supply their local delivery person with a spare set of keys to their house. Think about it. If you are really comfortable and need anything it pays to telephone that person from your mobile and have them do the work on your behalf. logical. And do not forget your pillow. That was where we started.

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Article Source: - Hammock Pillow

Have you done your Valentine's Day Shopping? It's not too late and I've got a great idea, how about a Hammock from Now through February 16th we are offering 10% off our entire site, come take a look!

We have a many beautiful colors to choose from, including a cheery red one that will surely WOW your loved one this Valentine's Day. Everyone needs time to relax, and a hammock is just the thing you need. It will definitely get you looking forward to Spring and getting your backyard oasis ready to enjoy.

How about a Jumbo Hammock, or a Mayan Hammock that will cradle your body, or a Hammock Chair for you to read a good book in or just take in the scenery? Our hammocks will not rot, mold or mildew and are sure to please everyone. Come on in and take a look at what we've got, use COUPON CODE VALENTINE10 at checkout to receive 10% off your entire order.

Happy Valentine's Day!

How to Hang a Hammock - Use Proper Hardware
Relaxing in a hammock ranks as one of the all-time great pleasures in life. Being gently cradled in a hammock is a great excuse for playing hooky for an hour or two and just letting the rest of the world go by.

Hammocks can be anchored between two trees, wooden poles embedded in concrete, or from a specially constructed stand. But in order to make sure that the person lying in the hammock doesn't plummet unexpectedly to earth, breaking a few bones in the process, it is important to follow several steps to ensure the the hammock you hang has been securely fastened into place to support the weight of a human body while it is suspended.

If you are planning to hang your hammock between two trees in the backyard, lay out the hammock on the ground first and measure its length from the circular suspension ring on one side to the other. Then add one foot to this measurement as the correct distance you will need between the trees to properly hang the hammock.

Make a trip to the accessory page of to purchase the proper hardware to hang a hammock securely. At a height of at least five feet above the ground, drill a hole in each tree completely through the tree. This is where you will insert the bolt on each side of the hammock, attaching the washer and nut on the other side in order to secure the bolt to the tree. Avoid using eye screws for hanging a hammock from a tree, as the threads on these screws can give out over time and cause the hammock to fall to the ground. Use a strong connecting-link chain connector (at least 1/4 inch thick) to hook up the round loop at both ends of the hammock to the bolt you have placed in the tree.

If your trees are not positioned correctly to accommodate the length of your hammock, you can still enjoy the outdoors by creating two wooden hammock posts. Dig a hole at either end of your hammock site, insert a six-inch by six-inch wooden pole in each hole and anchor the hole with concrete. Don't attempt to hang your hammock until the concrete has completely dried. Each post should be buried at least two feet deep into the ground to anchor it securely and prevent it from tipping over once the weight of the hammock is added. Insert bolts, washers and nuts into the poles the same way you would for using a tree as a post and connect each end of the hammock using a chain connector.

Hanging a hammock between two trees or two posts doesn't allow you any flexibility in moving the hammock should you decide to change locations. If you want your hammock to be portable, you might want to take a look at our Hammock with Stand sets. It is essential that you purchase a hammock stand built to carry the amount of weight you intend to place in the hammock while it's in use so that the frame doesn't break, bend or collapse causing injury.

We made it - it's 2010 and a great year to think about enhancing your back yard with a beautiful Hammock from We are excited about the different styles that we have to offer and all the great colors we have for you to choose from.
You may have 2 trees that are perfect for you to hang a jumbo hammock between, you maybe choose to be swaddled by a mayan hammock, or you may prefer to sit more upright in a hammock chair with an extendable foot rest. Whatever you choose, we have the high quality hammocks that you are looking for.

Our hammocks will not rot, mold or mildew. Therefore, our Hammock with Stand Sets are perfect for out by the pool, down by the lakeside or under that tree tucked in the back corner of your yard. If you can't afford that exotic vacation you might have wanted to take, why not make your backyard your get away?