I found this article today and wanted to share it with you. ClassyHammocks.com has now added pillows to our store, and below you'll see why!! They are an extremely important part of your hammock purchase. We have now added Black and Cream to our many colors for you to choose from. Stop by and take a look!

By: rob anderson

A hammock pillow is perhaps more important that the hammock itself. I have a very good reason for this statement. If you have the perfect hammock hanging up, in the perfect place, and then have to spend the whole time holding up your head, it would be very, very bad. I dare you to try to spend just one night in your bed without your pillow. Right, just as I thought.

The reality is that it is impossible to enjoy the full experience of a hammock without a pillow. So – having got that fact behind us, the really hard part is which type of pillow. I personally am a huge believer in doing anything that I do, properly. Why go to the trouble of doing something at all if you are not going to do it correctly. I declare myself a total hedonist. If I am going to sit I want to sit comfortably. Equally if I am going to lie down, hey! – do it properly. Now for the general choice types.

Lying Down.

If you are lying down fully, you are going to need a fuller type of pillow. This type will be more of the type that you would use when you sleep at night. The pillow must be a normal type. I do not need to go into detail here, remember your favorite pillow works best here.

Sitting up.

The advent of the hammock chair and its popularity is huge. There is however a very large variety of these hammock chairs available. While a large amount of these are adjustable, you will have to judge for yourself as to which angle the specific chair reclines at. I am going to presume that your chair here is more upright than not. The perfect pillow for this type of chair is that type of aircraft pillow that goes behind your neck. If you have a pillow that is too large it tends to push your head forward and ultimately give you pain. The shape of this pillow is often a hourglass shape.


Sorry I cannot think of a better description. What I really mean with this one is what a normal hammock should really be used for. In my opinion, the best hammock experience is in fact in a hammock chair. I feel that a full hammock is perfect for sleeping, but a little difficult for serious drinking. Having blurted out that fact, if you set up a full hammock properly it can become a fantastic nest. I love nesting. Pillows are very important here. I really mean plural. A large variety of pillows are needed to make this experience work. All sizes and all types of fabric. In fact a mixture of softness is equally important.

Finally, I would need way more space to go through the other 5 important items to make the experience perfect. Let me just leave you knowing they cover, location, direction, company, supplies and attitude. Without any of these very special extras you will find yourself stretching your neck looking for at least one of those items. Always be properly prepared, in my case I am never without at least two books. And your pillow. In fact I always instruct people that I have supplied with a decent hammock to supply their local delivery person with a spare set of keys to their house. Think about it. If you are really comfortable and need anything it pays to telephone that person from your mobile and have them do the work on your behalf. logical. And do not forget your pillow. That was where we started.

About the Author

I have opened up my blog to allow anyone to contribute. please visit - http://robanderson.iblog.co.za/
or my squidoo lens - http://www.squidoo.com/hammock-chairs-1

(ArticlesBase SC #845643)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Hammock Pillow

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