Did you know that hammocks came to be some 1000 years ago? Hammocks have a very interesting ancient heritage. We at ClassyHammocks.com are proud to have a product to offer you with such a rich history.

Most Central American countries, like Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaraqua, El Salvador and Costa Rica, along with South American countries like Brazil and Ecuador have a rich heritage associated with hammocks. It is accepted that the origin of the hammock began some 1000 years ago in Central America by the Mayan Indians.

The earliest hammocks were woven from the bark of the Hamack tree. The Sisal plant (similar to the Aloe Vera plant) replaced the bark at a later point because it was more abundant, and rubbing them against the thigh could soften its fibers. The Mayan Indians designed a web-like hammock which is still in use today and considered to be the most ingenious and comfortable of all hammocks. Check out our Mayan hammocks and see for yourself!

Stay tuned for more history to come.........

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