Can you believe it, Labor Day is just about here!! The kids are back to school, the summer is just about over, but, there's still time to get your Jumbo Hammock and relax after a long summer! ALL of our hammocks are on sale, the Hammock Chairs are great to hang in and read that book you didn't get to read over the summer. Fall is a great time to curl up on your Jumbo Hammock and watch the leaves fall.

Many people think hammocks are just an accessory for their yard, deck or porch, and some people consider relaxing in a hammock as a reward for such tasks as mowing the lawn, or weeding your garden, but hammocks can offer much more than that. The number of ways you can use a hammock is only limited by your imagination!

You can use your hammock for a bed, for camping and hiking this fall, and you can use it while boating. Did you know that today millions of people use a hammock as their bed? When you lie on a mattress, all your body weight must be collected somewhere. These places that support all of the weight are called "pressure points". Hammocks induce a relaxed state of both mind and body by working from a principle called "weight distribution". Hammocks are beneficial for relaxing the body - and providing you with a peaceful, undisturbed nights sleep.

Check out our Labor Day Sale - we are runni
ng it through September 14th in case you're away or just way too busy right now getting the kids together for school. Think RELAXATION, think Hammocks!

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